The Brandenburger Tor in Berlin Home > image copyright rules

In case you like the photos and images from our website Homeswopping.Berlin very much, you might want to re-use these pictorial impressions from Berlin for your purposes otherwise. Find therefore out on this site, how that could be possible and by what terms you are allowed to use an image from our website. Of course, all possible image rights of use are generally not exclusive. Without explicit permission from our side images and image rights may also not be resold.

Tip: by clicking on an image posted on our website, you always get the high-resolution version of this image.

Personal use

Copyright Image In a purely private, one-time use, you are allowed to store or download the desired image from our website and use free of charge for your desired personal purposes.

Doing so, add a copyright notice containing, please, so that no confusion on the ownership of images and image rights could appear with third parties. Thank you.

Even if we give you this service for free, of course, you might want to give us a little recognition and want to donate us. Well, go ahead, we would be happy about it.

Be aware, please, that the permission for the free right of use can be revoked, in particular in the event that it should come to a usage that is not corresponding to a typically expected personal use.

Commercial use

In a commercial, business or industrial use request we offer at a price of only $ 16.50 per image (i.e. US-$, per use/project, non-exclusively)

You automatically earn the right of use through a timely transfer of the total amount on the following bank account IBAN DE65 1101 0100 2804 0041 74, BIC SOBKDEBBXXX at Penta Bank in Germany. Other payment methods are available on request.

As a payment reference within reference field on wire transfer form you might want to give us the number(s) of the image(s) you want to license, please. It always is the first 3 digits of the image file name (Example: i.e. '006' referencing the image '006_berlin_cathedral_spreeinsel_background_television_tower_high_resolution.jpg')

Free of watermark: in case you would like to receive a mail containing the licensed high-resolution images without watermarks, enter your mail address within payment reference too, please.

Bill: if you wish to receive an invoice as a PDF file, send us in parallel to your payment a mail, please, telling us the required billing address. Even in this case a contract is only concluded when the payment is received in our account.


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